Cowley Branch: 01865 770 121
Cowley Branch: 01865 777 278
Bicester Branch: 01869 240 460
We will be happy to assist you
Be Prepared Before You Travel Abroad
If you plan to travel to certain countries, we recommend specific vaccinations and immunisations. Read about your destination and find out what problems you might encounter. We can help by giving you information about various diseases and viruses that you can meet in your travels. We carry all kinds of travel vaccinations at low prices and DO NOT charge an appointment fee.
The walk in travel clinics can make sure that you and your family are protected wherever you travel. The Walk In Travel Clinic is ideal for businessmen and women, students, holiday makers and pilgrims who need an easy, speedy and convenient travel health service.
We can give you advice on staying healthy, supply malaria medication, and administer travel vaccinations without a doctor's prescription (subject to certain medical conditions).
You can find Walk In Travel Clinics within Oxford and Bicester
Please call in at any time for a pre-travel assessment.
Recommended Travel Vaccinations & Prices (*prices per dose)
(Prices are correct at time of writing and subject to change)
Cholera £58.00
Hepatitis A £50.00
Hepatitis B £41.00*
Hepatitis A+B £70.00
Hepatitis A+Typhoid £85.00
Japanese Encephalitis £91.00*
Measles/Mumps/Rubella (MMR) £46.00*
Meningitis ACWY+B £70.00*
Rabies £60.00*
Tetanus/Diphtheria/Polio £35.00
Typhoid £35.00